Traces of my most diverse chalk (V)
Here is a multifaceted synthesis of several works of Prado, commented by the same.
“For two years, I weekly made the illustration of a text about a city or a place in the world, which was alternatively writtten by a group of journalists and writers, for the Sunday supplement El Periódico de Cataluña. It was a wonderful experience. I never met personally any of my travelmates, but for some telephone conversations. Our contact was via e-mail. Nevertheless, due to the chosen places (it was their choice) and their way of “viewing” them, certain complicities were established with some of them.”
“All drawings are ink on paper and the colour is digital. There was no time that, once the illustration was finished, I didn´t regret not having done the colour by natural means…”
“If I find the time to do it, I like collaborating on press from time to time. I feel atraccted to that immediate contact with reality and by the possibility of reaching different readers from those who know the rest of my work.”
Illustrated texts
“Regarding illustration of books; most of the times it is about friends´ works. Most of the books I have illustrated are children´s books or, mainly, juvenile books.”
“El cuento de Sirena”
The centenary of Gonzalo Torrent Ballester´s birth will be this year. Ézaro Ediciones have proposed me the edition of an illustrated book commemorating El cuento de Sirena, a short narration that is brimming with Torrente in each page. Appart from the admiration and the respect I feel for his work; those of you who read this tale (I had not done it) will immediately understand why I enthusiastically accepted the proposal.
“Fantasmas de luz”
“Agustín Fernández Paz, as well as a great friend, is undoubtedly the writer of the most books I have illustrated. There are many examples of this long collaboration in the” Enlightenment “section. Almost a year ago Agustín sent me a text with the proposal to illustrate it. I accepted immediately but, truthfully, I found it very difficult to find the tone of the images. Of most of the illustrations there have been two previous versions – already destroyed – that will never be seen. ”
Odd drawings
“Some of the many drawings I have made for covers, posters, ONGs… are gathered in this gallery. Somehow, it could be said they are my favorite ones…”
“This is a sample of some of the posters I have made for several fairs, festivals, and conventions.”
“These are some of the covers of books and magazines that I have made.”
«El dragón que cambiaba de cuento cada vez que estornudaba»
“The story, by David Aceituno, tells the adventures of an allergic dragon that every time he sneezes, he changes his story.”
Special collaborations …
“There are stories that are the result of special proposals.”
Guillermo del Toro called me one night late. We did not know personally each other, we expressed mutual admiration for one another (I had watched Cronos and I had loved it) and he told me he had a writer friend who would like me to make a comic to be included in her second novel. A film had been made from the first one: Like water for chocolate. The writer was called Laura Esquivel. I had also watched that film myself and read the novel, and I liked them very much. But I told Guillermo about my problems to work with other´s stories. He answered me that, once the contact had been established, it would be better if she spoke to me and explained me the project. And so it was, Laura insisted on explaining live to me; she invited me to go to Mexico so that I could “understand” what we were expected to tell in that story. The first dinner we had together was enough for her to persuade me. My staying in Mexico, accompanied by her and Víctor, her assistant in those days; was unforgettable. One year later, having the work nearly finished; Laura came to A Coruña to put the final touches to the book.
We made some presentations together, and we haven´t met again. The novel was entitled The Law of Love and includes a comic in six chapters of eight pages in which I tell in images, without texts, a part of the story.
Laura made me draw something I would never have depicted on my own initiative and to which I was so reluctant as I could: some men dying by impalement.
Graphic Works
“Although it is not very frequent, I prepare some silk screen printings from time to time. I always work on the ink separations myself.”
De Profundis
“This is the series of paintings from which, long afterwards, the idea of De Profundis emerged.
Actually, it is a natural sequel to the previous series, Aquaria. And many of the paintings in both of them were painted at the same period.”
“All the six canvans appear in the film.”
“Some works are difficult to be sorted. They are very assorted proposals: wine labels, postage stamps, bookmarks… A selection of some of them will be gathered in this section.”
Hércules Tower
“During the promotion campaign of the Hércules Tower candidature for Human Heritage (2008), one of the initiatives consisted in 30 fiberglass reproductions, “personalized” by that many artists. It was my contribution. Now it is placed in the Aquarium Finisterrae (A Coruña / Galicia / Spain).”
“There are prizes and recognitions that, for particular reasons, are especially dear. CEMMA (Coordinator for the Study of Marine Mammals) is an NGO working in Galicia since 1990 in the study, dissemination and conservation in this field. In August 2012 CEMMA named me Partner of Honor and Arroaz Maior. Thank you for that appointment. Cetaceans have been part of my stories frequently, ever since my first book, Fragments of the Delphic Encyclopedia.”
Wine lables
“I believe that I have made some more lables, but these are the ones I preserve evidences about.”
“In 1994 Streak of Chalk won the Judges Special Award in the Sierre Festival (Switzerland.) The next year I was asked to make the lable of a white wine with an image referring to the book. I am absolutely certain that they sent me a 12-bottle box. But the civil servants in custom in A Coruña retained the consigment and persisted in considering it a “commercial importation” for which I would have to pay an exorbitant amount. Either lack of common sense or intention of bothering. Or intention of drinking wine for free… So neither could I see how the lable looked nor keep any of them.”
“In 2002, the Comune from Montefalco (Umbria, Italy) asked me an image for the label of the harvest ofSagrantino red wine.”
“And in 2004, I was asked a label for the white wine El perro verde, a really delicious verdejo wine from Rueda.”
From here, to follow the Actuality of the Miguelanxo Prado Work from your own hand, we leave you the link to your Official Facebook
Chelo Loureiro. Homenage Miguelanxo Prado.
0 8090 0Chelo Loureiro PRODUCER AND MANAGER PRODUCER Ferrol (Galicia, Spain) Chelo Loureiro is specialized in the management of companies with activities related to Cultural Industries (Communication, Literature, Cinema, and Visual Arts). From years ago she works exclusively in the audiovisual sector.
Franco Taboada. Homenage Miguelanxo Prado.
0 8151 0JOSÉ ANTONIO FRANCO TABOADA Architect Doctor A Coruña, 1944 José Antonio Franco Taboada, architect doctor, has been Professor of the University Polytechnic of Valencia and Santiago de Compostela. It has been the first Director of the School of Architecture
Miguelanxo Carvalho. Homenage Miguelanxo Prado.
0 8085 0MIGUELANXO CARVALHO Graphic Designer Donostia · Basque Country, 1966 Donostia, 1966. Member of the collective Pestinho, with which he signs all his works as author of Comic. He was founding partner of the extinct Fanzine Frente Comixario and
Homage to Miguelanxo Prado. Parallel section Animacam 2017
0 6700 0Dear friends, We are reaching the final phase of the Parallel Section of the VI Edition of the Animacam Festival; And we will conclude in the same way that we have inaugurated it, following with the Homage to the
Traces of my chalks (IV). XXI century
0 6119 0The epoch of the Graphic Work with magnificent grounds, where Miguelanxo Prado, in addition, will develop what he considers his novel culmen, to date, Ardalén. The Galician Architects Association (Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia or COAG) asked me to
Traces of my chalks (III). Decade 90 (XX century)
0 5790 0Perhaps the most prolific period Miguelanxo Prado and international aggrandizement of his work. Source:
Traces of my chalks (II). Decade 80 (XX century)
0 6285 0The eighties mark a final before and an after on the Author´s work. Source:
Traces of my chalks (I). 2nd half decade 70 (XX century)
0 8227 0“Pieces recovered from the deepest of the ocean. It’s a bit a unchaste…as it is to show the photos from the first Communion, or as a baby on the towel with the naked ass”
Miguelanxo Prado. The profile of his work
0 7722 0Animacam is a Festival created by animation lovers for all those passionate for this genre. From different corners of Galicia, Spain (A Limia, Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña), the Festival has always wanted to value the nearest, appeal the
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